Thursday, October 29, 2009

Surprise Baby Shower!!!!

So, have I ever mentioned that I have the best group of volleyball players ever?!?! In case some of you don't know, I am an athletic trainer at a high school. Well, last week I get a phone call from the head volleyball coach saying that one of her players was hurt during work-out during class and I needed to come over there and get her on the Gator - so I hop on the Gator and head to the gym. When I get there all the girls are in the locker room because the coach was "upset" with them for messing around and getting someone hurt. Mind you, the volleyball nets were set up and there were balls left out on the floor (very good staging on their part)!!

Well, I go into the locker room to check on the girl that was hurt and low and behold - they surprised me with a baby shower!!! Both the varsity and JV teams were in there, and there was streamers and balloons everywhere! They are so sweet! Evidently they had been planning this for like 2 weeks and it was called operation B-squared (Baby Brighton or Brighton Bernard)! I totally felt special and appreciated, which doesn't happen often in my profession. My first baby shower was awesome!! Here are some pics from that day - too bad I didn't have a heads up so I could fix my hair or put on make-up!
The volleyball girls and Coach Green!
The volleyball girls (with Coach Green not in the picture)
Opening gifts - wow, baby blankets are sooooo soft!
Our "Happy Giraffe" bouncer!!!
Such cute onesies!!
Really, her little feet are going to be this small?!?!?
Actually seeing her name in print for the first time - it looks pretty good! :)
Cards from some of the girls

The yummy cake that one of my players made! It was 3 level - strawberry on top, chocolate in the middle, and vanilla on the bottom! She even decorated it herself! See the B 2 on top?? So cute!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Nursery Bedding!

So, we are having our bedding custom made by a place called "Cowgirls and Lace" here in Dripping Springs. It won't be ready until the start of December, but I figured I could post the fabric samples and try to explain what it will look like! She is going to be a cowgirl princess with her room being pink and brown!

This is the front of the bumper:Each side looks like it is in 3 pieces. In the middle will be the brown cow-hide and on each side will be the pink checkered print. Seperating the pieces will be the ribbon you see, and the trim along the entire thing is the pink/brown rope at the top.

The inside of the bumper will look like this:
The reverse side of the pink checkered fabric will be the brown minky dot, and the reverse side of the brown cow-hide will be the pink fuzzy fabric. The same ribbon will seperate the panels and the trim around the top is the same.

The dust ruffle will look like this:
It will be the pink checkered fabric with the polka-dot trim about 3 inches from the bottom. The skirt will be tailored with the "v-folds" in the front and on the sides.

And finally, the ties on the bumper will look like this:
The ribbon is 2-sided so you will be able to see both the pink and brown!
We have also ordered a brown rocker/recliner that should be in around the same time! Hopefully we will start working on the nursery soon with painting and everything. But for now, our attention is focused on un-packing the rest of the house! Hope you enjoy!!!!

Monday, October 12, 2009

24 Weeks! V-Day!!

So this morning we had our 24 week appointment! No ultrasound this time, so I was kind of bummed about that, but everything went well! My belly is growing right on schedule, and I actually gained weight this last month! Just 3 lbs, but I have a feeling there will be plenty more to come! I also turned in my glucose numbers, and they were very happy with them! Looks like insulin is going to be a long ways off!! Yay!!! I was able to hear Brighton's heart rate on the doppler, and she was about 148-152 bmp - perfect! I wish I could have seen her pretty little face!
We have our 28 week appointment scheduled for Nov. 10th, and we will get to see her again then! They are going to do another growth scan so we can see how big she is measuring and all that good stuff! Also at the next appointment I will have to get the Rhogam shot since I am A- blood type. Then from 28 weeks on we will have appointments every 2 weeks! Agh! It is going to be here before you know it!
Today is also a big day because we have reached our "V-Day"! If your baby happens to be born at 24 weeks or later, it has greater than 50% chance of survival...hence, viability day! Granted we want that little girl to cook as long as possible, but passing all the small milestones are exciting! I feel great, she is moving like crazy, and Jeffrey is able to feel her as well - so weird! Anyway, below is the pregnancy update for 24 weeks!!
Your baby's growing steadily, having gained about 4 ounces since last week. That puts him at just over a pound. Since he's almost a foot long (picture an ear of corn), he cuts a pretty lean figure at this point, but his body is filling out proportionally and he'll soon start to plump up. His brain is also growing quickly now, and his taste buds are continuing to develop. His lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" as well as cells that produce surfactant, a substance that will help his air sacs inflate once he hits the outside world. His skin is still thin and translucent, but that will start to change soon.