Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Okay, I am soooo sorry I haven't been keeping up with the blog! There is something about having a newborn at home that takes up all your time! But, I am back to work now so I actually have some free time!

Miss Brighton Jane is doing awesome! As of today she is 12 weeks and 1 day old! I can't believe how fast the time has gone! She is working really hard on holding her head up and she is starting to make noises now! She loves sitting in her bouncer and talking to the lion that hangs in front of her - it is so cute! Our baby girl is full of smiles, and is overall a very happy baby!

One thing I have learned about her is that she does not like to take naps! She must have gotten that from her Daddy b/c I love naps! :) She might nap for a total of 4 hours a day, but at least she sleeps great at night! She usually goes down about 8:00pm, I do a "dreamfeed" at 10:30pm, and she sleeps all the way until 6:30am! It has been really nice being able to get some consistent sleep at night - especially since I am back at work.

At her 2 month check up she weighed 13lbs 4oz, and was 23 1/2 in long! Such a big girl - about 95th percentile for each! The good thing is that she is growing proportional and at a consistent rate! We don't have another appointment until she is 4 months, so we have a little while to wait!

Anyway, that is the update on our beautiful baby girl!!! Enjoy the pictures below!

4 Weeks Old

Mommy told me I was too young to hunt Easter Eggs.
All better - she said I could next year when I am bigger!!

See my pretty Easter dress?!?!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Hospital Stay

Okay, so par for the course our hospital stay with Brighton wasn't usual either!! The night she was born she was put in NICU because she had fluid in her lungs. This was causing her heart rate to hit over 200 BPM, and respirations got above 80 per minute. So, she was put in NICU so she could be watched closely. They did a chest x-ray, ran blood work, and took a culture of the fluid in her lungs. The doctor was pretty sure it was residual fluid from being born by c-section, but they need to make sure it wasn't an infection. This culture took 48 hours to get back, so she was started an antibiotics and was to be kept in NICU until the results were back.

This was really hard for us because we were really only able to hold her every 3 hours during feeding times. We could go see her anytime we wanted, but the nurses wanted her to have "down time" to keep her nice and relaxed. Not to mention we had grandparents and aunts that wanted to see her and hold her too!! In NICU we were only allowed to have 4 additional people on the list, so we had to keep rotating people thru! That was a struggle for us to do, but I think everyone had "equal" time!

On Thursday (the 14th) we found out that they were taking Brighton off the IV and that she had completed her antibiotics. When were were there for the 12 noon feeding they said we were going to get to take her to our room that afternoon!!! YAY!! We were so excited! Technically the culture wouldn't be back until about 1:30am that coming morning, but they were pretty sure it would be clear since nothing was growing on it to that point. So needless to say, we were very excited! Finally our baby girl was going to be with us!

Brighton stayed in our room Thursday night - that was stressful to a new mommy! I think I slept about 30 minutes! Every little sound she made caught my attention - and so the worrying began! Then on Friday we were told that we were able to go home! She had a final check up with the NICU doctor, and everything came back just fine! So, in a matter on minutes we were packing up our stuff, taking the "hospital" pictures, and heading out the door! That happened sooo fast! But, the important thing was that we were on our way home with our baby girl!!

The doctors and nurses at the Women's Center were awesome! They were very detailed with Brighton, and we knew she was in the best hands possible. Nothing was left un-checked, and every issue was followed up on! What an amazing staff!

So now we are at home, just turned 3 weeks old, and each day is a little different! Brighton is doing great on her schedule! She eats every 3 hours about 3oz-4oz, and sleeps at night from about 1am-6am. It is hard to wake her up from her naps when she is sleeping so well, but as soon as I let her sleep she would be off for the rest of the day! The routine has worked for our family, so hopefully it will help Brighton to sleep thru the night before we know it!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Birth Story

Okay everyone, here is our birth story starting from Monday, Jan 11th!

So, for the 10 days prior to this I have been looking forward to Monday! That meant I was going to leave the antepartum wing in the hospital and head over to Labor and Delivery! I was so excited! Everytime a nurse came in my room I would ask, "is it time to go yet"? Finally about 5:30 that evening they loaded me and all my stuff up and headed over to L&D. Did I mention I had all my stuff packed since 10 that morning! Anyway, we made it over to L&D and I finally felt like I was going to have a baby the next day!! The nurse inserted a medicine called Cervidel which is supposed to soften the cervix, and make it more condusive for labor. At that was it - the medicine stayed in until 6am the next morning! Let me just say, between the thoughts of having a baby the next day and the bright lights that were outside our window, I didn't get any sleep - maybe 45 minutes tops!! Jeffrey got some sleep, so at least 1 of us was well rested!

Bright and early the next morning (1-12) the nurse came in to remove the Cervidel and start the Pitocin drip! So, we were on our way to having a baby! I didn't really feel any different for the first 30 minutes or so, so I didn't think it was working! The nurse kept coming in and increasing the dose to get me in a good contraction pattern. Finally about 7am or so, I was able to feel some contractions! They weren't painful at all, just felt like little cramps every once in a while.

At about 9am my doctor came in to break my water. OH MY GOSH!!!! That is the most painful thing I have ever gone through! He was sure the labor process would speed up after that, and in my mind I still thought we would have a baby by early afternoon. Not shortly after I reached the "good contraction pattern" - one every 2-3 minutes, but they still weren't very strong. No need for the epidural yet!

About 2pm or so my doctor came back in to see what progress I had made. Well........I was only 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced. Not much progress at all. Keep in mind, we have been at this since 6am! It was a little upsetting that I wasn't further along, and the Dr felt the same way. At this point I should be further along. So he gave us 3 options: 1) go ahead and have the c-section 2) keep laboring until baby comes on her own - who knows how long it would take at that rate or 3) give it a little longer and see what progress we have made. Jeffrey and I decided on option 3. At this point I was still feeling okay. Most of the labor pain was in my back, so that REALLY sucked. We set a goal of 5 cm dilated for when the Dr came back - if we were there, then I would keep laboring. If not, we were going for the c-section.

Well, about 5pm came around and the Dr was back to check my progress. I was praying that I would here the magic "5cm"!! Needless to say there was NO CHANGE!!!!!! I was still only 2 cm and 50% effaced. So, we gave the go-ahead to have the c-section. It was a very emotional decision for us to make, but it was the right one for us. Brighton's heart rate had turned from nice, easy hills to jagged, sharp peaks. I was exhausted, and worried that she was being put under too much stress. So, after a few tears and saying goodbye to our family, we headed down the hall to the operating room.

Poor Jeffrey had to stand at the end of the hall in a corner all by himself while they got me all prepped and put on the table. He said that was the worst part! All he could do was think about how his life was going to change in a few short minutes...we really were going to have a baby! I was so relived when he came in the room and sat next to my head! Then the fun began! All I could feel was a lot of tugging and pressure. The next thing I knew, they said, "Okay, you are going to feel a lot of she is"! Then I heard the most beautiful sound in the world - her first cry! Dr. Uribe showed her to me over the sheet, then she was gone to get cleaned up. She was still in the same room so Jeffrey was able to go over there and watch everything and take pictures. The nurses actually let him measure her head and length. Finally they brought her over to me, and we had our first family photo! She was beautiful!

After she was all cleaned up, Jeffrey went with her to the nursery while they finished up with me. Then I had to go to recovery for an hour - that sucked not being able to be with her. Luckily my mom and dad were able to come in there and keep me company. Then, it was off to my room!

So that is our birth story. The birth didn't go how we had planned in our minds, but the end result was the same - a beautiful, healthy baby girl. Why would anything be different with the birth - the pregnancy and everything leading up to this day didn't go as planned either! It was like someone was telling me, "give it up, I am the one in control"!!

I will add another post about our hospital stay in the next few days or so. Right now it is time for Miss Brighton to wake up and eat! Thanks for reading!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Catching everyone up!

Okay, as most of you know Miss Brighton Jane was born 1-12-10 via c-section at 5:55pm! But, there was a lot that happened between my last post and the day she was born. I figured I would catch everyone up with what was going on!

Well, on December 14th at my Dr's appt they determined that I had pre-eclampsia. This meant that my blood pressures were running high, I had high protein levels in my urine, and my platlet count was running on the low side, but everything with the baby was fine. At that point they decided to put me on bed rest for the remainder of my pregnancy. That day and the next day I had steroid injections to help Brighton's lungs mature, and I had to see a specialist that coming Wednesday. At that appointment we found out that we would not make it to our full due date - we would be induced at 37 weeks! The doctor said that was because at 37 weeks the baby is considered full term, and there is a greater risk to me if she stayed in there!

So from that point on I was on bedrest (meaning I could get up to go to the bathroom and fix something to eat, but that was all) and had Dr's appointments twice a week for a scan of the baby and bloodwork. It sounds crazy, but I looked forward to the appts even if that meant I had to have more blood work done!

Well, on Dec 30th I had to do another 24 hour urine test to check the levels of my protein. No surprise they came back high! Then on Dec 31st we got the call from the doctor that I needed to be admitted to the hospital for the remainder of my bedrest -that was a huge shock to hear! So on New Year's Eve Jeff and I checked into the hospital and I began a 12 day stay in the antepartum wing of the hospital! They still did BPPs (biophysical profiles) of Brighton twice a week and blood work on my twice a week as well. They just wanted me close incase something happened suddenly. Oh, and they also did an NST (non-stress test) on Brighton twice a day. They hooked her up to the fetal monitor and we got to hear her heart beat for at least 30 minutes each time! She was perfect in all her scans!!!

So now all we had to do was wait. Jan 12th seemed like forever away when we checked into the hospital, but the day was there before we knew it! Okay, that is the back story on why I was put on bed rest and why Brighton was delivered 3 weeks early! This is all I have time to write for now - the little one is starting to stir and that means feeding time! I will try to update with her birth story sometime in the next few days!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Miss Brighton's Room!!!

Okay, well her room isn't totally done, but it is pretty close! Jeff has been busy with the painting, hanging the chair rail and shadow boxes, doing the touch-ups, and pretty much anything else I add to his "honey do" list! I covered the cornace box and wall stars with the cowhide fabric from the bedding, and of course Jeff hung all of those for me too!!

Then on New Year's Eve my wonderful in-laws (and sister in-law) drove in from Colorado to deliver the much anticipated baby furniture! My father in law built the changing table/dresser and the armoir from scratch, and without seeing it in person yet I can say it is amazing! Here are some pictures of the furniture and the room in general! I cannot say thank you enough to my in-laws for their true labor of love! The furniture is something Brighton will grow with and cherish forever!!

Now I cannot wait to get home and actually feel like a "mommy" with putting her stuff away and getting it all set up for her! Actually setting up the nursery is something I have been looking forward to since we found out we were having a baby girl! And now, it won't be long until she is with us! So excited!