Saturday, January 23, 2010

Catching everyone up!

Okay, as most of you know Miss Brighton Jane was born 1-12-10 via c-section at 5:55pm! But, there was a lot that happened between my last post and the day she was born. I figured I would catch everyone up with what was going on!

Well, on December 14th at my Dr's appt they determined that I had pre-eclampsia. This meant that my blood pressures were running high, I had high protein levels in my urine, and my platlet count was running on the low side, but everything with the baby was fine. At that point they decided to put me on bed rest for the remainder of my pregnancy. That day and the next day I had steroid injections to help Brighton's lungs mature, and I had to see a specialist that coming Wednesday. At that appointment we found out that we would not make it to our full due date - we would be induced at 37 weeks! The doctor said that was because at 37 weeks the baby is considered full term, and there is a greater risk to me if she stayed in there!

So from that point on I was on bedrest (meaning I could get up to go to the bathroom and fix something to eat, but that was all) and had Dr's appointments twice a week for a scan of the baby and bloodwork. It sounds crazy, but I looked forward to the appts even if that meant I had to have more blood work done!

Well, on Dec 30th I had to do another 24 hour urine test to check the levels of my protein. No surprise they came back high! Then on Dec 31st we got the call from the doctor that I needed to be admitted to the hospital for the remainder of my bedrest -that was a huge shock to hear! So on New Year's Eve Jeff and I checked into the hospital and I began a 12 day stay in the antepartum wing of the hospital! They still did BPPs (biophysical profiles) of Brighton twice a week and blood work on my twice a week as well. They just wanted me close incase something happened suddenly. Oh, and they also did an NST (non-stress test) on Brighton twice a day. They hooked her up to the fetal monitor and we got to hear her heart beat for at least 30 minutes each time! She was perfect in all her scans!!!

So now all we had to do was wait. Jan 12th seemed like forever away when we checked into the hospital, but the day was there before we knew it! Okay, that is the back story on why I was put on bed rest and why Brighton was delivered 3 weeks early! This is all I have time to write for now - the little one is starting to stir and that means feeding time! I will try to update with her birth story sometime in the next few days!

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