Monday, July 20, 2009

NT scan went perfect!

We finally got to see the baby again today - 4 weeks is a long time to wait! The purpose of today's ultrasound was to do a NT scan (nuchal translucency). This measures the space behind the baby's neck and the skin that covers it. Our's measured 0.8 mm, and anything under 3.0 shows the baby does not have Down's Syndrome.
Also, the sonographer checked the baby's umbilical cord and it has all 3 parts! They are supposed to have 2 arteries and 1 vein, so that was good news! The digestive system was also working perfectly, with the intestines inside the abdomen (a condition that could happen) and the kidneys are already functioning! Baby is already starting to urinate!
One of the best things about today is that we actually got to hear the heartbeat! We saw it beating away 4 weeks ago, but nothing compares to that sound! It made me tear up to hear it - there is really a baby in there! Baby's heart rate was 163 BPM which is just perfect! Baby was also moving around like crazy, but I still can't feel it yet. He/she was kicking, squirming, moving it's arms, and opening and closing it's mouth! That was pretty funny to see!
Anyways, I have attached 2 pictures of the scan today. One is far away so you can see everything, and the other is a little more zoomed in (but is a little blurry). The head is to the left of the picture, and is facing the camera. There are 2 "alien" eyes with the mouth open! We just love our alien baby!!! I am also going to try and attach the video with the heartbeat!

1 comment:

  1. Awww how cool! So glad everything went perfectly!!! You've got quite a cute little alien there!
