Thursday, July 2, 2009

When will the nausea end?!?!?!

Well, I should be happy that I have been able to keep everything down, but my usual 2pm-6pm nausea has turned into 12pm-bedtime!! I have tried those Preggie Pops (lollipops that are supposed to help) and the sour ones are pretty good. I guess they help a little, but not as much as I would like!
I am ready to get to that "craving" stage, and I know Jeff is too! He is ready to be that husband that rushes out at 1am to pick up the fast food I am craving! For now, he just has to go downstairs and get a Sprite every once in a while! I know not every woman has the cravings, but I am hoping I am one of them!
So, I weighed myself yesterday morning. If I go by the scale at home, I have lost about 5 pounds since June 18th. Yes, weightloss in the 1st trimester is very common so I'm not too worried about it. I haven't been eating much due to the nausea, so that is the reason for the weightloss.
Anyways, that is just a little update!


  1. heh, no nausea for me yet. i shouldn't giggle too much because i'm sure its quickly on its way!

  2. Ashley I bet you are going to have a girl. You know they say those that are having girls seem to get more nauseated because of all the hormones. Lacie maybe your having boys. Can't wait until the 5 month mark for ya'll to find out. Speaking of which are you going to find out or wait until the baby comes?

  3. Well if your following in my footsteps (he he) then the nausea will get better but won't disappear for a while. I found eating a couple crackers or a small meal made it go away (of course that only worked for a couple weeks). I hope you feel better soon and move on to craving cheese and baked potatoes, lol!

    Woohoo on the weight loss, you've got me beat, I'm down 4.5 as of 11 weeks! Just keep baby healthy and all is well!!
