Wednesday, December 9, 2009

32 week update - the good and the bad

Well, I went to the Dr this morning because I wasn't feeling well. I have been coughing a lot and just wanted to make sure everything was okay. The Dr said I just have a viral infection and that there is nothing to worry about. My lungs were clear so there is no fear of bronchitis or anything - yay for the good news! So, I can take Tylenol PM at night to help me sleep. Other than that, it just has to work it's way out of my system. Another piece of good news was that my blood sugars look great and there is still no mention of needing insulin!! I got to hear Brighton's heart beat, and it was nice and strong at 154 BMP! She has been very active the past 2 weeks! Last night Jeff was actually able to feel her have the hicups!

Now for the not-so-good news. The Dr said I had 2+ protein in my urine (whatever that means) and my blood pressure was high. This is the first time the entire pregnancy that I have had high blood pressure! It was 122/96. They said the combination of the high protein and the elevated blood pressure makes me a candidate for "pregnancy induced hypertension". Yippi! Now instead of going in every 2 weeks, I have to be seen every week to monitor the blood pressure. I am at a high risk of developing pre-eclampsia which can lead to an early delivery. But, they are going to watch me closely so everything will be okay! I had blood work done, and have to do a 24hr urine collection - the fun times just keep coming! Oh, and I take my blood pressure twice a day at work and record the numbers. If I get about 140/90 then I call right away. So far I haven't been in that range!

Anyway, that is the latest! I finally got the nursery primed, so we just need to paint and get all the trim work done. We still have lots to do! But, school gets out on the 18th, so hopefully we will have a little more time then! I'll try to post a new picture soon!!

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