Friday, May 29, 2009

Second Beta numbers!

Well, I got my second round of HcG (beta) numbers, and everything looks great!! I increased from a 69.1 to a 129.7! They are looking for at least a 60% increase in 48 hours, and we achieved that! Looks like everything is right on track! I also scheduled my first ultrasound appointment! How exciting! We will get to hear the heart beat for the first time on June 18th! That day cannot come fast enought!!
We still have not told Jeff's parents or family, and it is getting really hard! All of his family is in Colorado, so we are trying to plan a trip up there to tell them in person. Between his back surgery and the school year coming to a close, it is really hard to find the time! But, we can't wait until our July 4th trip, so I think we are going up there the evening of the 18th after our appointment. This just isn't something you tell over the phone! Anyways, that day will be here before you know it - - - I hope!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations honey! I am so glad everything is right on track!!! Have fun savoring the moment!!!
